Data privacy

Data Protection & Privacy

We have prepared this privacy policy (version 27.10.2018-111092813) to explain to you, in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the data protection law, which information we collect, how we use data and what choices you have as a visitor to this website.

Unfortunately, it is in the nature of things that these statements sound very technical, but we have tried to make them as simple and clear as possible. 

Automatic data storage

When you visit websites today, certain information is automatically generated and stored, including this website.

When you visit our website as you are doing now, our web server (computer on which this website is stored) automatically stores data such as

  • the address (URL) of the called web page
  • Browser and browser version
  • the operating system
  • the address (URL) of the previously visited page (referrer URL)
  • the host name and IP address of the device from which it is accessed
  • Date and time

in files (web server log files).

Web server log files are usually stored for two weeks and then automatically deleted. We do not pass on this data, but we cannot exclude the possibility that this data may be viewed in the event of unlawful conduct.

According to Article 6 paragraph 1 f GDPR (Lawfulness of processing), the legal basis is that there is a legitimate interest in enabling the error-free operation of this website by recording web server log files.

Storage of personal data

Personal data that you provide to us electronically on this website, such as your name, e-mail address, address or other personal information when submitting a form or comment in the blog, will be used by us together with the time and IP address only for the purpose stated, kept secure and will not be disclosed to third parties.

We therefore use your personal data only for communication with visitors who expressly wish contact with us and for the processing of the services and products offered on this website. We do not pass on your personal data without your consent, but we cannot exclude the possibility that this data may be viewed in the event of unlawful conduct.

If you send us personal data by e-mail - i.e. outside of this website - we cannot guarantee the secure transmission and protection of your data. We recommend that you never send confidential data unencrypted by e-mail.

According to Article 6 paragraph 1 a GDPR (Lawfulness of processing), the legal basis is that you give us your consent to process the data you have entered. You can revoke this consent at any time - an informal e-mail is sufficient, you will find our contact details in the imprint.

Rights under the General Data Protection Regulation

According to the provisions of the GDPR and the austrian Data Protection Law, you have the following rights in principle:

  • Right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR)
  • Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten") (Article 17 GDPR)
  • Right to restriczion of processing (Article 18 GDPR)
  • Right of notification - notification obligation regarding rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing (Article 19 GDPR)
  • Right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR)
  • Right to Object (Article 21 GDPR)
  • Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling (Article 22 GDPR)

If you think that the processing of your data violates the data protection law or your data protection claims have otherwise been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority, which in Austria is the data protection authority, whose website you can find at .

TLS encryption with https

We use https to transmit data in a tap proof manner on the Internet (data protection by design and by default Article 25 paragraph 1 GDPR). Through the use of TLS (Transport Layer Security), an encryption protocol for secure data transmission on the Internet, we can ensure the protection of confidential data. You can recognize the use of this data transmission security by the small lock symbol in the upper left corner of the browser and the use of the https scheme (instead of http) as part of our Internet address.


Our website uses HTTP cookies to store user-specific data.

A cookie is a short piece of data that is exchanged between a web browser and a web server, but is completely meaningless to the web server or browser and only has ameaning for the web application, as for example an online shop, such as the content of a virtual shopping basket.

There are two types of cookies: first-party cookies are created by our website, and third-party cookies are created by other websites (such as Google Analytics).

Here you can adjust your cookie settings.

Sample cookie data:

  • Name: _ga
  • Expiration time: 2 years
  • Use: Differentiation of website visitors
  • Sample value: GA1.2.1326744211.152111092813

There are three categories of cookies: cookies that are essential to ensure the basic functionality of the site, functional cookies to ensure the performance of the site, and targeted cookies to improve the user experience.

We use cookies to make our website more user-friendly. Some cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. They allow us to recognize your browser the next time you visit.

See cookie settings and delete cookies

If you want to determine which cookies have been stored in your browser, change cookie settings or delete cookies, you can find this in your browser settings:

If you do not wish data to be stored in cookies, you can set your browser so that it informs you when cookies are set and you only allow this in individual cases. You can delete or deactivate cookies that are already on your computer at any time. The procedure for this varies from browser to browser, it is best to search for the instructions in Google using the search term "Delete cookies Chrome" or "Deactivate cookies Chrome" in the case of a Chrome browser or exchange the word "Chrome" for the name of your browser, e.g. Edge, Firefox, Safari.

If you generally do not allow us to use cookies, i.e. deactivate them via browser settings, some functions and pages may not function as expected.

Newsletter Privacy Policy

When you subscribe to our newsletter you provide personal information mentioned above and give us the right to contact you via email. We use the, within the scope of the registration to the newsletter, stored data exclusively for our newsletter and do not pass these on.

If you unsubscribe from our newsletter - you will find the link to unsubscribe at the bottom of each newsletter - we will delete all data that was stored when you subscribed to our newsletter.

Web push notifications from

We use web push notifications from Web push notifications are notifications that can be displayed on your terminal device without opening the website or the relevant app.

No distinctive user data, such as IP addresses or similar, that could allow the user in question to be identified, are saved. If somebody registers for the notification distributor (opt-in process), only an identification code and the geographical IP information (country and state) of the user are sent to and stored in its database. This code is issued by the respective browser provider (Google, Mozilla, etc.) and enables the notifications to be sent to the relevant browser later. Notifications are sent by the browser provider itself.

If the opt-in for push notifications is withdrawn (opt-out), all data saved with is deleted and the identification code will be invalid.

You can find information about opting out of push notifications at is a service of Project K GmbH, with headquarters in Innsbruck, Austria.

Google Fonts Privacy Policy

We use Google Fonts of the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website. Google Fonts is used without authentication and no cookies are sent to the Google Fonts API. If you have an account with Google, none of your Google Account information will be transmitted to Google while using Google Fonts. Google only records the use of CSS and the fonts used and stores this information securely. You can find out more about these and other questions at

You can find out which data is collected by Google and what this data is used for at

Google Tag Manager

We use the service called Google Tag Manager from Google. "Google" is a group of companies and consists of the companies Google Ireland Ltd. (provider of the service), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland and Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA and other affiliated companies of Google LLC.

The Google Tag Manager is an auxiliary service and only processes personal data for technically necessary purposes. The Google Tag Manager ensures that other components are loaded, which in turn may collect data. The Google Tag Manager does not access this data.

For more information about Google Tag Manager, see Google's privacy policy.

Please note that American authorities, such as secret services, could possibly gain access to personal data due to American laws such as the Cloud Act, which is inevitably exchanged with Google due to the Internet Protocol (TCP) when this service is integrated.

Google Analytics Privacy Policy

On this website we use Google Analytics from Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to statistically evaluate visitor data. Google Analytics uses target-oriented cookies for this purpose.

Cookies from Google Analytics

Name: _ga
Value: 2.1326744211.152211115430-5
Purpose: By default, analytics.js uses the _ga cookie to store the user ID. Basically, it serves to differentiate between website visitors.
Expiry date: after 2 years

Name: _gid
Value: 2.1687193234.152211115430-1
Purpose: The cookie also serves to differentiate between website visitors
Expiry date: after 24 hours

Name: _gat_gtag_UA_ <property-id>
Value: 1
Purpose: Used to lower the request rate. If Google Analytics is provided via Google Tag Manager, this cookie is given the name _dc_gtm_ <property-id>.
Expiry date: after 1 minute

Value: no information
Purpose: The cookie has a token with which a user ID can be retrieved from the AMP client ID service. Other possible values ​​indicate a deregistration, a request or an error.
Expiration date: after 30 seconds up to a year

Name: __utma
Value: 1564498958.1564498958.1564498958.1
Purpose: With this cookie you can track your behavior on the website and measure its performance. The cookie is updated every time information is sent to Google Analytics.
Expiry date: after 2 years

Name: __utmt
Value: 1
Purpose: The cookie is used like _gat_gtag_UA_ <property-id> to throttle the request rate.
Expiry date: after 10 minutes

Name: __utmb
Value: 3.10.1564498958
Purpose: This cookie is used to determine new sessions. It is updated every time new data or information is sent to Google Analytics.
Expiry date: after 30 minutes

Name: __utmc
Value: 167421564
Purpose: This cookie is used to set new sessions for returning visitors. This is a session cookie and is only saved until you close the browser.
Expiration date: After closing the browser

Name: __utmz
Value: m|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/
Purpose: The cookie is used to identify the source of traffic on our website. This means that the cookie stores where you came to our website from. That could have been another page or an advertisement.
Expiry date: after 6 months

Name: __utmv
Value: not specified
Purpose: The cookie is used to store user-defined user data. It is updated whenever information is sent to Google Analytics.
Expiry date: after 2 years

Note: This list cannot claim to be complete, since Google keeps changing the choice of its cookies.

For more information about the terms of use and privacy policy, please visit or


Our concern in the sense of the GDPR is the improvement of our offer and our web appearance. Since the privacy of our users is important to us, the user data is pseudonymised. Data processing is based on the statutory provisions of § 96 paragraph 3 TKG and Art. 6 EU-GDPR paragraph 1 lit a (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) of the GDPR.

Disabling data collection by Google Analytics

The Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on by Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js) helps website visitors prevent Google Analytics from using their information.

You can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website and from processing this data through Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

You can refuse the use of Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie will be set on the computer, which prevents the future collection of your data when visiting this website. If you delete your cookies, you will need to click this link again:
Set Google Analytics Opt-Out-Cookie

Facebook Privacy Policy

On this website we use functions of Facebook, a social media network of the company Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland.

You can find out which functions (social plug-ins) Facebook provides at

By visiting our website, information can be transferred to Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, Facebook may associate this information with your personal account. If you do not want this, please unsubscribe from Facebook.

The privacy policy about what information Facebook collects and how they use it can be found on

Instagram Privacy Policy

On our website we use functions of the social media network Instagram of the company Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA.

With the functions for embedding Instagram content (Embed function) we can display pictures and videos.

By accessing pages that use such functions, data (IP address, browser data, date, time, cookies) is transmitted to Instagram, stored and evaluated.

If you have an Instagram account and are logged in, this information will be associated with your personal account and the information stored in it.

The privacy policy about what information Instagram collects and how you use it can be found at

Google AdSense Privacy Policy

On this website we use Google AdSense, the advertising program of the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA).

Data on the displayed advertising media and your IP address may be transmitted to servers in the USA and evaluated there.

In AdSense, cookies are used to enable better advertising, the cookies do not contain any personalized data. Google AdSense sends a cookie to the browser after every impression, every click and every other activity that leads to a call to the Google Adsense server. If the browser 

accepts the cookie, it will be stored there.

Third party AdSense providers may be able to place and read cookies in your browser or use web beacons to store information they receive from ad serving on the site. Web beacons are small graphics that enable log file recording and log file analysis used for statistical purposes in online marketing.

Disable Cookies

You can delete or deactivate cookies that are already on your computer at any time. The procedure for this varies depending on your browser, it is best to search for the instructions in Google using the search term "delete cookies chrome" or "deactivate cookies chrome" in the case of a chrome browser or exchange the word "chrome" for the name of your browser, e.g. edge, firefox, safari.

If you do not generally allow us to use cookies, i.e. deactivate them via browser settings, some functions and pages may not function as expected.

Disable personalized advertising

If you have a Google Account, you can disable personalized ads on the page. Even if you opt out of personalizing ads, you may still see ads based on factors such as your approximate location derived from your IP address, browser type, and recently used search terms.

You can find out what information Google collects and how it is used at

Google Ads (Google AdWords) conversion tracking privacy policy

As an online marketing measure, we use Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) to advertise our products and services. We want to draw more people's attention to the high quality of our offers on the Internet. As part of our advertising measures through Google Ads, we use conversion tracking from Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google") on our website. With the help of this free tracking tool, we can better adapt our advertising offer to your interests and needs. In the following article, we want to go into more detail about why we use conversion tracking, what data is stored and how you prevent this data storage.

What is Google Ads Conversion Tracking?

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is the in-house online advertising system from Google LLC. We are convinced of the quality of our offer and want that as many people as possible get to know our website. In the online area, Google Ads offers the best platform for this. Of course, we also want to get a precise overview of the cost-benefit factor of our promotions. That is why we use the Google Ads conversion tracking tool.

But what is a conversion? A conversion occurs when you change from a purely interested website visitor to an acting visitor. This happens whenever you click on our ad and then take another action, such as visiting our website. With the Google conversion tracking tool, we record what happens after a user clicks on our Google Ads ad. For example, we can see whether products are being bought, services are being used, or whether users have signed up for our newsletter.

Why do we use Google Ads Conversion Tracking on our website?

We use Google Ads to draw attention to our offer on other websites. The aim is that our advertising campaigns really only reach those people who are interested in our offers. With the conversion tracking tool we see which keywords, ads, ad groups and campaigns lead to the desired customer actions. We see how many customers interact with our ads on one device and then convert. This data enables us to calculate our cost-benefit factor, measure the success of individual advertising measures and consequently optimize our online marketing measures. We can also use the data obtained to make our website more interesting for you and adapt our advertising offer even more individually to your needs.

What data is saved with Google Ads Conversion Tracking?

We have integrated a conversion tracking tag or code snippet on our website in order to be able to better analyze certain user actions. If you now click on one of our Google Ads ads, the "Conversion" cookie from a Google domain is stored on your computer (usually in the browser) or mobile device. Cookies are small text files that store information on your computer.

Here are the data of the most important cookies for Google's conversion tracking:

Name: Conversion
Value: EhMI_aySuoyv4gIVled3Ch0llweVGAEgt-mr6aXd7dYlSAGQ211115418-7
Purpose: This cookie saves every conversion that you make on our site after you have come to us via Google Ads.
Expiry date: after 3 months

Name: _gac
Value: 1.1558695989.EAIaIQobChMIiOmEgYO04gIVj5AYCh2CBAPrEAAYASAAEgIYQfD_BwE
Purpose: This is a classic Google Analytics cookie and is used to record various actions on our website.
Expiry date: after 3 months

Note: The _gac cookie only appears in connection with Google Analytics. The list above does not claim to be complete, since Google always uses other cookies for analytical evaluation.

As soon as you complete an action on our website, Google recognizes the cookie and saves your action as a so-called conversion. As long as you are surfing on our website and the cookie has not yet expired, we and Google recognize that you have found us through our Google Ads ad. The cookie is read out and sent back to Google Ads with the conversion data. It is also possible that other cookies are used to measure conversions. The conversion tracking of Google Ads can be refined and improved with the help of Google Analytics. For ads that Google displays in various places on the web, cookies with the name "__gads" or "_gac" may be set under our domain. Since September 2017, various campaign information from analytics.js has been saved with the _gac cookie. The cookie stores this data as soon as you call up one of our pages for which the automatic tagging of Google Ads has been set up. In contrast to cookies that are set for Google domains, Google can only read these conversion cookies if you are on our website. We do not collect and receive any personal data. We get a report from Google with statistical evaluations. For example, we learn the total number of users who clicked on our ad and see which advertising measures were well received.

How long and where is the data stored?

At this point we would like to point out that we have no influence on how Google uses the data collected. According to Google, the data is encrypted and stored on secure servers. In most cases, conversion cookies expire after 30 days and do not transmit any personal data. The cookies with the names "Conversion" and "_gac" (which is used in conjunction with Google Analytics) have an expiry date of 3 months.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You have the option of not participating in Google Ads conversion tracking. If you deactivate the Google Conversion Tracking cookie via your browser, you will block the conversion tracking. In this case you will not be considered in the statistics of the tracking tool. You can change the cookie settings in your browser at any time. This works a little differently for every browser. Here are the instructions on how to manage cookies in your browser:

Chrome: delete, activate and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer

Internet Explorer: delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: delete and manage cookies

If you basically do not want cookies, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. For each individual cookie, you can decide whether you want to allow the cookie or not. By downloading and installing this browser plug-in at, all "advertising cookies" are also deactivated. Keep in mind that by deactivating these cookies you do not prevent the advertisements, but only the personalized advertisements.

Through the certification for the American-European data protection convention "Privacy Shield", the American company Google LLC must comply with the data protection laws applicable in the EU. If you would like to learn more about data protection at Google, we recommend Google's general data protection declaration:

Created with Datenschutz Generator von firmenwebseiten.atin cooperation with Dr. Wallentin